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Somalia Youth Bulletin


Every young person must be able to realize all of the rights and choices that they want and deserve.

“My body, my life, my world!” is UNFPA’s rallying cry for every young person to have the knowledge and power to make informed choices about their bodies and lives, and to participate in transforming their world:

  • We want to ensure all adolescents and youth can make informed choices over their own bodies.
  • We want to ensure that all adolescents and youth have a healthy and successful transition into adulthood.
  • We want adolescents and youth to lead and participate in sustainable development.

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UNFPA Somalia Situation Report May-June 2019

Situation Report

The devastating drought continues to threaten the lives of 135,000 pregnant women around the country. Somalia already has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world; one out of every 22 women is likely to die due to pregnancy or childbirth-related causes during her life course.

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Somali Health and Demographic Survey July 2019 Newsletter


The Somali Health and Demographic Survey (SHDS) is a national sample survey whose main objective is to provide evidence in health and demography to guide development of programs, monitor and evaluate Somali national, sub-national and sector development plans including the Sustainable Development Goals as well as form the key ingredients in the formulation of e­ffective policies through the use of data by all stakeholders for evidence decision-making.

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State of World Population 2019

State of World Population Report

Fifty years ago, it was hard for women to obtain contraception and relatively easy to die giving birth. Many women were unable to decide whom and when to marry, and when or whether to have children.

A worldwide movement to give women real choices in life culminated in the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), where a consensus was reached about the links between women’s empowerment, sexual and reproductive health, and rights and sustainable development.

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Somalia GBV Sub-Cluster Bulletin - April to June 2018


Gender Based Violence (GBV) remains one of the most serious threats to the health and safety of women and girls globally. The situation is dire in Somalia where women are girls are at more risk of rape, IPV, early and forced marriage and FGM. The situation has worsened with the recent increase in displacement caused by flooding, droughts and conflict. The Somalia context is fraught with GBV and protection concerns for women, girls, men and boys. The drivers of displacement during the reporting period include the tropical cyclone in north-ern regions, above normal Gu rainfall in South Central regions and conflict. GBV is a protection concern affecting mostly the displaced women and girls.

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Somali Version of The National Youth Policy of The Federal Government of Somalia


Siyaasaddaan Dhallinyarada Qaranku waxay ku salaysan tahay mabda’a iskaashiga iyo wada shaqaynta - “waa waajib in dhammaan daneeyayaasha horumarinta dhallinyarada -wasaaradaha dawladda, ururada bulshada rayidkaah, ganacsiga gaarka ah iyo dadka dhallinyarada ah - in ay iska kaashadaan kana wada shaqeeyaan si loo hubiyo natiijada ugu fiican ee horumarinta dhallinyarada Soomaaliya Wiil iyo Gabarba". Siyaasaddan Horumarinta Dhallinyarada Qaranka waxay soo jeedinaysaa:

1. Marka ay Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya AY ansixiso Siyaasadda Dhalinyarada Qaranka,waxaa la dejin doono qorshe hawleedka Dhalinyarada Qaranka (National Youth Action Plan) kaas oo si faahfaahsan u sharixi doona “Maxaa la qabanayaa? Yaa masuuliyad ka saaran tahay? Sidee loo qabanayaa? Iyo Goorma ayaa la qabaayaa?”.

2. In la sameeyo Golaha Dhalinyarada Qaranka (National Youth Council) oo ka qayb qaadan doona fulinta Siyaasadan, noqona doona buundada (birriishka) isku xira dhalinyarada iyo daneeyayaasha Horumarka dhalinyarada.

3. In la magacaabo u qeybsanayaal arrimaha dhalinyarada oo wasaarad kastaa yeelato (Youth Focal Points) Kuwaas oo awoodda saaridoona isku-dubaridka waxqabadka wasaarad kasta adeega ay u fidinayso dhalinyarada. Siyaasadani waxay ku mudaysan tahay mudo shan sano ah, taas oo lagu dedaali doono in la gaaro ujeedooyinka iyo ka miro-dhalinta talaabooyinka la ma huraanka ah in lagu talaabsado. Mudada siyaasadani marka ay dhamaato, dib ayaa wax ka badal loogu samayn doonaa iyadoo wada-tashiyo xog lagu ururinayo la sameyn doonaa si loo helo siyaasad cusub oo la jaanqaada baahiyaha waqtigaa taagan.

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The National Youth Policy of The Federal Government of Somalia


The National Youth Policy goals are investing and empowering the youth population by in-depth analysis of their needs, to ensure participation and collaborative interventions on youth issues. It will also focus on developing wide-ranging programs to unite the di erent institutions delivering services to youth to attain the intended results in social, economic and political development. This National Youth Policy has adopted seven goals, namely –

The NYP has adopted the following seven goals, namely;

a. To strengthen e ective collaboration and coordination between all youth development stakeholders to achieve desired concrete youth development.

b. To nurture the active participation and leadership of young women and men, and youth organizations in the duties and responsibility of both individual and national development.

c. To infuse in youth patriotism and prepare them to be responsible citizens that care for their families and communities and value Human Rights and Gender Equality principles.

d. To support young people, youth groups, and youth organizations that require special attention, especially young women, youth with disabilities, etc, to ensure they have access to equitable opportunities for development to their full potential.

e. To stand for national unity , respect for diversity and prepare a tailored made intervention respectively.

f. To encourage active participation of the youth in activities for re-building the country.

g. To ensure coordination and mainstreaming. di erent policies serving the youth.


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UNFPA Somalia Situation Report #013 – 17th September to 6th October 2017


The drought situation continues to pose a threat to women during pregnancy or delivery. More than 130,000 of them may require critical and urgent assistance. Somalia already has one of the highest maternal mortality ratios in the world; one out of every 22 women is likely to die due to pregnancy or childbirth-related causes during her life course.

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UNFPA Somalia Newsletter - August 2017


UNFPA Somalia Newsletter for August 2017 covers different stories on the interventions we are carrying out in Somalia.

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UNFPA Somalia Situation Report #012 – 15th June to 28th July 2017


The number of people in need of humanitarian assistance remains 6.7 million due to the extended drought and consecutive poor harvests, which have impacted rural livelihoods and food security in Somalia. Partners report that it will take a while for people to recover from loss of livestock and rebuild their lives and livelihoods. Approximately 2,510,000 people are in crisis and 700,000 in emergency levels of food insecurity.

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