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GBV Advocacy Brief October-December 2023

GBV Advocacy Brief October-December 2023


During the last quarter of 2023, Somalia witnessed a life time El Niño event that resulted in unprecedented deluge in many parts of Somalia, plunging the country into a myriad of challenges that are exacerbated by the severe drought earlier in the year and the chronic ongoing conflict.  The impact of these floods is multifaceted, affecting various aspects of life in Somalia, including infrastructure, agriculture, displacement, and conflict dynamics. The floods severely damaged infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings, hindering access to essential services and disrupting transportation routes hindering the delivery of humanitarian aid and services, thereby worsening the already dire situation for affected communities especially in areas like Luuq, Beletwayne and Baidoa. In rural areas, the flooding destroyed agricultural land, crops, and livestock, leading to food shortages and loss of livelihoods. According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classifications (IPC), from October to December 2023, 4.3 million people were expected to face crisis or worse food insecurity outcomes (IPC Phase 3 and above) including over 1 million who are likely to face emergency (IPC Phase 4). The corresponding figure for IPC 3 and above in the previous quarter was 3.7 million. The increase is due to a combination of factors, including the adverse impacts of El-Nino related heavy rains and flooding and anticipated decline in the level of humanitarian assistance because of funding constraints. About 700,000 women and girls are estimated to suffer from lack of access to protective shelter and adequate specialized services for GBV

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Guidance on Women and Girls Friendly Spaces

Guidance on Women and Girls Friendly Spaces


A women and girls’ friendly space is a place where women and girls can go to access information and support, participate in activities, learn new life skills, build, and strengthen relationships with peers through exchange of experiences and stories of life and living. They are informal and formal comfort spaces where women and girls can feel emotionally and physically safe – free from excessive stress or fear of violence or attack. Establishing a WGFS does not necessarily involve building a new structure but rather working with women and girls to identify a space in their community that they perceive as friendly and safe. WGSS can be temporary (tent), semi-permanent, permanent, or a mobile structure. The different types of set-ups respond to the different context and needs of affected women and girls, but generally temporary and semi-permanent safe spaces should be set-up in temporary IDP sites and permanent WGSS within host communities. WGFS are often most effective when they are easy to access for women and girls. They can also be in existing health facilities to eliminate the possibility of secondary stigmatization and identification of beneficiaries

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GBV AoR Gu Season’s Preparedness & Response Plan 2024

GBV AoR Gu Season’s Preparedness & Response Plan 2024

Situation Report


Somalia faces a dire situation with escalating gender-based violence (GBV) exacerbated by armed conflicts and inter-clan tensions, compounded by the imminent threat of El Niño flooding during the 2024 Gu season. The convergence of these disasters threatens catastrophic consequences, particularly for women and girls, intensifying feminized poverty, restricting mobility, and hindering formal education opportunities. Livelihoods, particularly in female-headed households, will suffer, and essential health and social services for pregnant and lactating women will be disrupted. Minority clan women and those with disabilities in high-risk areas will bear a disproportionate burden, as access to vital services diminishes amid dwindling humanitarian funding. The looming crisis heightens risks of GBV, including sexual exploitation, violence, and harassment, exacerbated by displacement and food insecurity. Negative coping mechanisms such as begging and transactional sex may increase, alongside risks of child marriage. Intimate partner violence may escalate as families struggle to prioritize resources. Urgent action and comprehensive response plans are imperative to safeguard the rights and well-being of women and girls amidst these adversities during the upcoming Gu rainy season in Somalia 2024.

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Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report: January-March 2024

Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report: January-March 2024

Situation Report


The Somalia Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) 2024 highlights the dire situation with 6.9 million people requiring aid, exacerbated by recent floods from El Niño affecting 2.4 million and leading to an Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD)/Cholera outbreak. Women and girls are disproportionately affected due to their domestic roles and limited access to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) services, contributing to high maternal and infant mortality rates. Anticipating the upcoming Gu floods, forecasted to have above-average impact, the Somalia humanitarian community is urged to strengthen readiness and Anticipatory Action. The government has declared a state of emergency, seeking international assistance, and initiatives like positioning boats are underway to aid transportation of essential supplies, particularly prioritizing the safety of women and girls. UNFPA remains vigilant in monitoring these crises' impact, particularly on vulnerable groups like pregnant and lactating mothers.

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Youth, Elections and Democratization: Beyond the National Election

Youth, Elections and Democratization: Beyond the National Election



Enhancing youth political participation in Somalia necessitates a multifaceted approach rooted in inclusivity and empowerment. This report serves as a testament to the invaluable insights gleaned from Somali youth and various stakeholders, as deliberated upon in forums dedicated to youth, elections, and democratization across all member states of Somalia. Central to these discussions is the recognition that meaningful engagement of young people is pivotal for the country's democratic advancement and sustainable peace.

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GBV Advocacy Brief July-Sept 2023

GBV Advocacy Brief July-Sept 2023


In the third quarter of 2023, although, Somalia averted the looming famine, due to above average Gu season rainfall, efforts of local communities & authorities and sustained humanitarian assistance, thousands of Somalis still remained vulnerable to extreme climatic shocks. The humanitarian situation compounded during the reporting period as a result of the extended effects of the unprecedented drought, increased prices of the essential commodities, political instability, eruption of clan fighting in the Sanag region of Somaliland and the ongoing conflicts. The security situation remained tense, with Al-Shabab, referred to as the non-state armed group (NSAG), frequently conducting indiscriminate attacks where civilian became victims. In a bid to reclaim territory from the NSAG, Somali forces and their allies continued the Black Lion military operations primarily in Hirshabelle and Galmudug States. Additionally, Somalia was on the verge of another climate emergency with the prediction of extreme El Niño weather patterns during the Dyer rainy that would bring heavy rains and flooding. In the context of this crisis in Somalia during the third quarter of 2023, heightened the vulnerabilities of women and girls to gender-based violence (GBV) as a significant risk that included exploitation, sexual and intimate partner violence. Women and adolescent girls, women from minority clans, female headed households and women living with disabilities are the most marginalized and currently most affected by the crisis.   

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Safe Deliveries for Somali Mothers

Safe Deliveries for Somali Mothers


“Safe Birth in the Shadow of Complex Humanitarian Crises,” supported by KSRelief and implemented by the UNFPA Somalia Country Office, primarily focuses on reducing maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity among IDPs and host communities in Somalia. There is a specific emphasis on improving maternal and reproductive health services for women and girls impacted by displacement and humanitarian crises in Somalia. 

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Safe Birth in the Shadow of Complex Humanitarian Crises

Safe Birth in the Shadow of Complex Humanitarian Crises

Fact Sheet

The initiative “Safe Birth in the Shadow of Complex Humanitarian Crises” is a project funded by KSRelief and executed by UNFPA Somalia Country Office. It primarily focuses on reducing maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity among IDPs and host communities in Somalia, with a specific emphasis on improving maternal and reproductive health services for women and girls impacted by displacement and humanitarian crises in Somalia.

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Somalia: 2023 Deyr Rainy Season Situation Report #2

Somalia: 2023 Deyr Rainy Season Situation Report #2

Situation Report

Somalia's humanitarian crisis has intensified due to severe flooding induced by El Niño. Heavy rains and flooding now affect a broader expanse of Somalia, encompassing 33 out of 74 districts, a significant increase from 21 districts reported two weeks ago. The toll has been grave, with approximately 100,000 lives lost, including women and children, as of the latest update on November 17, 2023. The newly affected districts predominantly lie in the South-West, Hirshabelle, Jubaland states, and the Banadir Region

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Legislative and Policy Framework Options for Somalia

Legislative and Policy Framework Options for Somalia


This research, conducted by the Orchid Project and commissioned by the Ifrah Foundation, aims to examine factors that have contributed to reducing the prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in countries neighboring Somalia. The study seeks to understand the influences and structures that have facilitated the introduction of legislation and policies regarding FGM/C.

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