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UNFPA Somalia June 22 Sitrep

UNFPA Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report - June 2022

Situation Report

Some 7.1 million people - 45 per cent of the population - are acutely food insecure. For the first time since 2017, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification has confirmed pockets of catastrophic food insecurity (Phase 5) affecting more than 213,000 people. In the worst-affected areas, a third of all the livestock have perished, decimating livelihoods. If crop and livestock production fails extensively, commodity prices continue to rise, and humanitarian assistance is not sufficiently scaled up, there is a realistic risk that Somalis in eight areas across the country will face famine by September 2022. An estimated 1.5 million children under age five face acute malnutrition, including 386,400 children who are likely to be severely malnourished. Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is on the rise: 50 per cent of women were reportedly subjected to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in the first quarter of 2022, compared with 43 per cent in the same period in 2021.

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Sitrep May 2022 cover

UNFPA Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report - May 2022

Situation Report

UNFPA Somalia prioritizes the continuity of essential and life-saving SRH and GBV services during humanitarian crises, targeting vulnerable women and girls, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and persons with disabilities. During the month of May 2022, UNFPA and its partners reached 46,671 persons, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), with SRH services and 22,164 persons with prevention and response to GBV, including Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for women and girls. In addition, UNFPA reached 1,900 young people through youth-related activities.

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UNFPA Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report - April 2022

Situation Report

Six areas across Somalia are facing the risk of localized famine if the April to June gu’ rains fail as projected. This is according to the latest Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) and Famine Risk analyses by the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit and partners (FSNAU).  Simultaneously, food prices continue to sharply increase, while humanitarian assistance inadequately scaled up to meet the increasing needs of the most vulnerable populations. According to FAO-SWALIM, scattered and light gu’ rains were reported in the southern parts of Somalia; however, the northern parts remain dry. Health partners are reporting a spike in suspected AWD/cholera and measles cases, due to contaminated water consumption, poor access to food, health facilities, and hygiene and sanitation services, specifically in Baidoa, Marka, and Afgooye districts.

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Overview of Gender-Based Violence Situation in Somalia - Advocacy Brief, 2022


The already large number of recorded incidences of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in 2021 continued to increase in 2022, especially for sexual violence and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), due to multiple displacements, flooding, droughts and armed conflicts. An estimated 4.3 million people have been affected by natural disasters and armed conflict, while some 554,000 have abandoned their homes in search of water, food, and pasture in December 2021. The number of people requiring humanitarian assistance in 2022 has been estimated to 7.7million . The delayed electoral process and tensions related to power struggles among political actors reinforced insecurity and limited mobility for people to seek livelihoods. As the drought and food insecurity persist in Somalia, women, and girls experience alarming levels of poverty and economic depravity: a precursor for increased vulnerability to GBV.

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Community Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on FGM_Puntland


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a procedure in which the external genitalia of girls and women are partially or completely removed and/or infibulated without medical reasons. The procedure causes lifelong physical, psychological, and reproductive health problems for the woman. Heavy bleeding and problems with urination and menstruation, as well as infections, fistulas, and complications of labor and delivery are possible risks. In spite of the health complications, practicing communities and especially women perpetuate the practice as a social norm and religious duty.  The circumcised girl, her mother, and the family benefit socially since an underlying belief exists that FGM ensures premarital virginity, increases the girl's chances of marriage, and provides ritual cleanliness.  Globally, FGM practice is concentrated in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, where more than 200 million women and girls are circumcised.  Somalia, including Puntland, features one of the highest prevalence rates of FGM in the world as nearly 98% of girls and women are affected.  Shifts in practice toward a milder form and medicalization of the practice are occurring, while high prevalence rates remain steady. Medicalization of the practice assumes that girls are cut in hospitals, supposedly under improved hygienic conditions to reduce harm, rather than by traditional female circumcisers with knives and scissors in their homes.  Anti-FGM campaigns and health practitioners recognize that it is a deceptive step toward total elimination of FGM. 

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Somalia Situation Report March 2022

Situation Report

The severe drought in Somalia has deteriorated the situation of women and girls. As per the recent Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) drought monitoring, based on field reports and the Combined Drought Index (CDI), about 80 per cent of the country is facing extreme drought conditions. 

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Voices From Somalia Report - September 2021


Spanning over 30 years, the ongoing crisis in Somalia has significantly impacted the most vulnerable populations, such as women and children, many of whom have only ever known insecurity. While Somaliland has experienced increased peace and security, conflicts continue to erupt along the disputed land with Somalia. The Voices report is the first publication dedicated to exploring specific violence risks affecting women, girls and other vulnerable persons; what type of violence these vulnerable groups experience; how they cope with these risks; and whether specialized services are available and accessible to them.

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UNFPA Humanitarian Preparedness and Response Plan - March 2022


The drought has worsened across Somalia, with an estimated 4.3 million people affected of whom 554,000 have abandoned their homes in search of water, food, and pasture. Food insecurity is increasing and malnutrition is high in drought-affected areas.

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GBViE Brief – January to March 2022


Intimate partener violence, sexual assualt and abuse are on the rise, as drought conditions worsen in regions and states across Somalia, including Gedo, Lower Juba, Southwest State and Banadir, and Somaliland, including Maroodijeex, Togdheer, Awdal, and Sanaag. This situation is expected to deteriorate further, as Somalia and Somaliland face the risk of a fourth consecutive failed rainy season in early 2022, following a complete lack of rains between October and December in 2021.

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UNFPA Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report- February 2022

Situation Report

The number of people affected by the severe drought has increased from 3.2 million people in December 2021 to about 4.3 million people in February 2022. Consequently, the number of Internally Displaced People  (IDPs) has more than doubled from 245,000 to 554,000 people. A total of 7.7 million Somali women, men, and children are estimated to require humanitarian assistance in 2022, including around 2 million women of reproductive age. The negative impact of the drought on Somali women and girls has been reported across several platforms and is already visible. 

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