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UNFPA Somalia Situation Report March 2020

Situation Report

Sexual and reproductive health is a significant public health issue, including in epidemics and UNFPA Somalia is working closely with the Federal Ministry of Health as part of the UN-Wide coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the accessibility and availability health services. Also, UNFPA is working with its implementing partners across the country to ensure SRH and GBV services are available for communities and specifically to women, adolescents girls and youth.

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UNFPA Somalia's Preparedness and Response to COVID-19


Effective and coordinated clinical and public health services, as well as community engagement and mobilization, are key to an epidemic response. Sexual and reproductive health is a significant public health issue, including in epidemics and UNFPA Somalia is working closely with the Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services as part of the UN-wide coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the accessibility and availability of health services as well as gender-based violence services.

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Art for social change and positive living


Body Mapping is a creative tool that brings together bodily experience and visual artistic expression. In its basic form, it involves painting a life-size representation of one’s body onto a large surface and use vibrant colors, pictures, symbols and words to represent experiences. These works are made by non-professional artist and provide a time for creativity, critical thinking, stock taking and ultimately engage people in a better understanding and respect of one and another.The method provides a creative vehicle for expression that is not dependant on literacy levels. Since the individuals depicted in the body maps are never reduced to stereotypes but rather express personally lived experience, the maps have the potential to break down barriers, both in the process of their development and in sharing them with a wider audience.

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Youth Behavioral Survey Report Selected Regions in Somalia


The limited information available on the HIV pandemic in Somalia stems from the prevailing insecurity situation which hinders data collection efforts, making it hard to arrive at more accurate estimates of the HIV prevalence in the country. According to the UNAIDS study conducted in 2017, HIV & AIDS were reported at less than 1% for youth in Somalia. Five years earlier, in 2012, the HIV Youth Behavioural Survey indicated that knowledge about HIV prevention was very low with lots of misinformation and misconceptions.

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Roadmap on Youth Engagement


This roadmap is aimed at reviewing existing tools and methodologies in Somalia with a socially inclusive approach and assesses current bottlenecks and structural obstacles in order to find effective and socially conscious ways of promoting youth peace-building and governance in communities and institutions. The methodology embraced focus group discussions (FGD) and key informant interviews (KIIs) plus extensive secondary data and literature review. In Kismayo, two FGDs and eight KIIs were held; in Baidoa, one FGD and 11 KIIs. Ten KIIs were held in Nairobi.

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Gender Equity: hit or miss in the Somali population


Gender equality is a vital component of sustainable development, if half the population is left behind, the country will not move forwards. It is essential that problems facing women in Somalia are addressed and tackled in order to provide a glimmer of hope for all the young girls and women who have been left behind and have not had a chance to fulfill their potential, purely because of their gender.


It is important that women are given the same opportunity and equal access to services. It is important to advocate for the political and economic inclusion of women in all aspects of Somali life, and to make primary education an innate right for both the boy and girl child. In the Somali context this requires attitudinal chances not only by the government but also by civil society, which has a critical role to play.


Throughout the duration of the Somali conflict women led by example, in the absence of men many of them became the bread winners for households while also single handedly raising children. In the recent years we are experiencing a rise in the number women who are being more and more outspoken of the gender imbalance in the country while also taking leadership and fighting for higher political representation at all levels of government. There is now a consensus that women will also a have bigger role than before in ending the current conflict and taking part in reconciling the disheartened Somali communities who have been at

odds with each other.


We look forward and work towards more participation for Somali women in all aspect of society.

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Somali Adolescents and Youth: Boom or Gloom?


Adolescents and youth form a significant part of the population. They represent the transition from childhood to adulthood; they are the most important age group since their dynamics determine the social, economic, political and demographic future of the society.


The substantial size of the youth population is not matched by a corresponding understanding of their status and the socio-economic challenges they face. There are limited records, statistical data and research projects, which target young people. Adolescents and youth face many uncertainties about their future, and are affected in fragile states by internal and external migration, unemployment, violence etc. and these issues faced by this demographic pose an existing threat to the nation.


In every country, poverty, lack of education and employment opportunities, and difficulties in accessing healthcare severely affect marginalized groups – including youth, women, children, individuals with disabilities, and ethnic minorities. In fragile states the marginalized groups are very often neglected and left behind.

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UNFPA Somalia Situation Report October-November 2019

Situation Report

Around 17,388 women among the affected population are estimated to be pregnant. As the floods have damaged health facilities, they may not be able to receive adequate and timely reproductive health care including emergency obstetric care. 

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Somalia Youth Bulletin


Every young person must be able to realize all of the rights and choices that they want and deserve.

“My body, my life, my world!” is UNFPA’s rallying cry for every young person to have the knowledge and power to make informed choices about their bodies and lives, and to participate in transforming their world:

  • We want to ensure all adolescents and youth can make informed choices over their own bodies.
  • We want to ensure that all adolescents and youth have a healthy and successful transition into adulthood.
  • We want adolescents and youth to lead and participate in sustainable development.

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UNFPA Somalia Situation Report May-June 2019

Situation Report

The devastating drought continues to threaten the lives of 135,000 pregnant women around the country. Somalia already has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world; one out of every 22 women is likely to die due to pregnancy or childbirth-related causes during her life course.

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