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Statement by UNFPA Representative for Somalia, Mr. Anders Thomsen, on the rape of two young girls

Statement by UNFPA Representative for Somalia, Mr. Anders Thomsen, on the rape of two young girls


Statement by UNFPA Representative for Somalia, Mr. Anders Thomsen, on the rape of two young girls

calendar_today 05 April 2020

Mogadishu, 5 April 2020 – UNFPA Somalia strongly condemns the abduction and rape of the two young girls, aged three and four as they were playing on 30 March 2020 in Afgoye town, Lower Shebelle, Somalia. The girls have been hospitalized in critical condition.

UNFPA Somalia stands with the girls and their families and calls for recourse for proper judicial process to take its course. We also reiterate our call for the speedy passage into law the Sexual Offences Bill which has been pending adoption in the country’s Parliament. The law will be vital in preventing and dealing with culprits of sexual offenses.

UNFPA Somalia calls for the strengthening of protection systems as women and girls continue to be at high risk of experiencing gender-based violence and the threat of harmful practices including female genital mutilation and child, early and forced marriages.


Bayaanka  kasoo baxay wakiilka Soomaaliya ee Sanduuqa Qaramada Midoobay ee Dadweynaha (UNFPA), Mudane. Anders Thomsen oo ka dhan ah kufsi loo gaystay laba Gabdood 3 iyo 4 sano jir oo ku nool Soomaaliya

Muqdisho, 5ta Apriil 2020 – Sanduuqa Qaramada Midoobay ee Dadweynaha (UNFPA), xafiiskiisa Soomaaliya wuxuu si adag u cambaraynayaa ficilkii wuxushnimada ahaa ee loo gaystay afduub iyo kufsi laba Gabdood 3 iyo 4 sano jir ah, tarikhda markay aheed 30ka Maarch 2020 iyagoo markaas iska ciyaaraya gidaarka gurigooda oo ku yaal duleedka Afgooye ee Shabeelada Hoose, Soomaaliya.

UNFPA-Xafiiskiisa Soomaaliya, waxey garab taagan yihiin labada Gabar iyo qoyskooda waxaana ku baaqaynaa in caddaalad la horkeeno lana maxkamadeeyo dhibgeestayashii ficilkan geestay. Sidoo kalena waxaa markale ku baaqaynaa dar dar gelinta sidii loo meel marin lahaa Sharciga Dambiyada Jinsiga oo wali horyaala ansaxintiisa baarlamaanka dalka Soomaaliya. Sharcigaan wuxuu ka hortagayaa dambiyada iyo xadgudubyada ku salysan.

Jinsiga iyo ciqaabidda dembiileyaasha jinsiga iyo in la afjaro ciqaabis la’aanta.

UNFPA-Xafiiskiisa Soomaaliya, waxey ku baaqeysaa xoojinta sidii loo ilaalin lahaa xaaladaga adag ee wajahayaan haweenka iyo gabdaha, waxaana ka mid ah dhibaatoyinka xadgudubyada ka dhanka ah jinsiga, gudninka fircooniga, iyo guurka dagdag/qasabka.



UNFPA inquiries: please contact Ms. Pilirani Semu-Banda, Communications and Partnerships Specialist, UNFPA Somalia, Tel: +254 734500439; semu-banda@unfpa.org