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Reproductive Health kit distribution in Puntland

Reproductive Health kit distribution in Puntland


Reproductive Health kit distribution in Puntland

calendar_today 29 November 2012

UNFPA donated Reproductive Health kits to the Ministry of Health in Puntland and this was distributed to the health services delivery points in Puntland at the end of May. 

This was a part of UNFPA's commitment towards reducing maternal mortality in partnership and collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Puntland towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals number 4 and 5, in capacitating and expanding health care providers and providing Reproductive Health kits.

Acting Director General of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Ali Diriye, welcomed the donation saying that many hospitals were facing Reproductive Health drug shortage. He highlighted that this Reproductive Health kits will help in saving lives of our mothers, which in turn will positively affect in reducing maternal mortality.