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EmpowerHer Innovation Challenge: Empowering Somali Women Entrepreneurs to End Harmful Practices and Drive Social Impact

EmpowerHer Innovation Challenge: Empowering Somali Women Entrepreneurs to End Harmful Practices and Drive Social Impact


EmpowerHer Innovation Challenge: Empowering Somali Women Entrepreneurs to End Harmful Practices and Drive Social Impact

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Mogadishu, Somalia, July 4, 2024- The EmpowerHer Innovation Challenge has successfully concluded its transformative boot camp, aimed at equipping young Somali women entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge to create and sustain social enterprises. The initiative, organized by UNFPA Somalia and UNFPA Arab States Regional Office, with support from the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), saw participation from 13 innovators, focused on addressing critical social and gender issues, including Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM) in Somalia. The winners pitched their innovative businesses during the Mogadishu Tech Summit on June 30, 2024.

The EmpowerHer Innovation Challenge aims to empower young Somali women entrepreneurs by providing essential skills and knowledge to combat harmful practices, negative gender norms, and stigma in their communities. With support from the initiative, these young women will refine enterprise ideas and develop robust business plans through theoretical knowledge and practical application, becoming champions in their communities and creating lasting social impact.

After a rigorous review of applications, 15 innovators were shortlisted for the EmpowerHer Boot Camp, and 12 participants committed to joining the training.

An Interactive Learning Experience Spurring Innovation Among Young Somali Women

The five-day boot camp featured a variety of interactive and informative sessions with prominent speakers from Somalia. The boot camp commenced with inspiring opening remarks by Dr. Mary Otieno, UNFPA Somalia Country Representative a.i., and Ms. Khadra Ali, Innovation & Youth Officer. Ifrah Ahmed, a human rights and FGM activist from Ifrah Foundation, provided an in-depth understanding of the issues surrounding FGM and CEFM, equipping participants with analytical tools to address these problems.

“I am glad to meet women who want to make a change in their communities. Women are the change makers. Change can only come from us," said Dr. Mary Otieno in her remarks.

The young innovators then participated in interactive sessions such as “Design Thinking for Social Impact,” mapping challenges and prototyping solutions for FGM survivors, and “Business Model Canvas for Social Enterprises,” where groups were assigned to write business plans, applying theoretical knowledge and receiving real-time feedback. Other sessions included “Storytelling for Social Change,” where presentations focused on crafting powerful narratives sharing the experiences of FGM survivors, among other inspiring topics for the young innovators.

EmpowerHer Innovation Challenge Winners at Mogadishu Tech Summit 2024

The challenge concluded with a pitch competition at the Mogadishu Tech Summit, where four outstanding businesses were selected for awards and a three-month incubation program:

1. Kaafi Center (Existing Business) - $6000 award: Led by Dr. Idil Abdirahman, this center focuses on women’s empowerment and mental health advocacy.

2. Hanti Dumar Clinic (New Idea) - $2000 award: Founded by Dr. Lula Sheikh Nur Yarow, this clinic addresses FGM through a community-centered approach.

3. Fiicaneey Natural Herbal Hair Oil (New Idea) - $2000 award: Founded by Shukri Mohamed Hussein, this business integrates awareness-raising efforts against FGM and child marriages into its model.

4. EmpowerRise Hub (New Idea) - $2000 award: Led by Mushtaq Muhudin Adam, this hub empowers vulnerable girls and women, particularly FGM and early marriage survivors.

 “I believe I can serve my community better than before through raising awareness addressing harmful practices against women and girls. Ultimately, our goal is to form sustainable families that can grow and thrive,” explained Dr. Idil Abdirahman, one of the challenge winners.

The EmpowerHer Innovation Challenge not only provided skills and knowledge to young Somali women entrepreneurs to drive social change but also created a safe space for networking and mutual support. The winners will continue their journey with a three-month incubation program supported by UNFPA Somalia, gaining access to space, business advice, and connections to further develop their impactful ventures.



For Media Enquiries Contact:

Felix Warentho

Communications and Graphic Design Associate
