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Somalia Gender Based Violence Sub-Cluster Bulletin - October to December, 2016

Somalia Gender Based Violence Sub-Cluster Bulletin - October to December, 2016
Somalia Gender Based Violence Sub-Cluster Bulletin - October to December, 2016


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UNFPA Somalia


Somalia Gender Based Violence Sub-Cluster Bulletin - October to December, 2016

Publication date

16 March 2017

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Gender Based Violence (GBV) remains a serious protection concern in Somalia, despite the very meaningful gains made so far on service provision and community led prevention initiatives. The needs focusing on support for GBV Prevention, Mitigation and Response is becoming greater. There was an increase on needs noted during the fourth quarter due to the drought following poor Gu coupled with conflict and displacements, which contributed to a worsening of the food security situation.

This bulletin covers a summary of the GBV interventions we carried out from October to December, 2016.