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COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact Assessment 2021 - Somaliland

COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact Assessment 2021 - Somaliland
COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact Assessment 2021 - Somaliland


Republic of Somaliland and UNFPA


COVID-19 Socio-Economic Impact Assessment 2021 - Somaliland

Publication date

12 May 2021

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Economically, the country has been hit hard by the global implications of COVID-19. Remittances from the diaspora, and livestock exports, which are the main source of revenue are affected by the global economic crisis caused by the pandemic. The economic crisis is unprecedented in its scale: the pandemic has created a demand shock, a supply shock, and a financial shock all at once (World Bank, 2020a).


In terms of government efforts, the president of Somaliland formed the national COVID-19 committee chaired by the vice-president consisting of ministries of Health, Interior, Education, Finance and Information and Culture. The committee is mandated to lead all COVID-19 efforts and guide all policy level agenda. There is a dedicated website for updating the public on COVID-19 issues as well as a technical committee chaired by the Director General of MOH tasked to deliberate on the technical aspects of COVID-19.