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Graduation of Midwives in Burao Institute of Health and Science

Graduation of Midwives in Burao Institute of Health and Science


Graduation of Midwives in Burao Institute of Health and Science

calendar_today 30 September 2013

"...First ever Community midwives graduate from Burao Institute of Health science...graduates are from the three east regions of Somaliland..." Fatuma Osman, Director of the school

Burao Institute of Health and Science celebrated the first ever graduation of community midwives in history. The Institute was established in June 2005 with financial support from local and Diaspora communities of Togdheer region to cover the severe shortage of midwives and nurses.

UNFPA started training of community midwives in the school in September 2011 after assessing its quality of teaching and other enabling environment factors.  In August 211, technical committee comprising of Ministry of Health, Burao Institute of health Science and UNFPA made the selection from the three east regions of Somaliland. The distribution was equal, 7 to each region except Sool region that got a share of 6 students.  Two main criterion of selection were that the village has a health centre but lacking a skilled birth attendant, and that the proposed candidate for selection should sign an informal contract to return the same place upon completion of the training.

The graduation was inaugurated with the presence of Togdher Governor, Mr. Ahmed Haji Omer Hamarji; MOH Regional Medical officer, Mr. Abdi Yassin; Executive director of SLNMA, Ms. Fouzia Mohamed President of Burao University, Dr. Awil; chair of Togdher Health Board, Mr. Mohamed Muse Dhari; and UNFPA representative, Mowlid Osman.   Fatima Osman, the director of Burao Institute of Health and Science welcomed the guests, and praised graduates for their hard work and patience. Fatuma said, "These graduates are the first ever community midwives who graduate from this school, we thank to UNFPA for supporting us to carry out this tremendous work here in our school". "Every student costs us around $6,000 and all was paid by UNFPA" said by Fatima.

Mr. Mowlid, representing UNFPA welcomes the graduates and advised them to continue their education and double their commitment to save lives of their mothers.  Mowlid said added that UNFPA prepared to honor a  midwifery kit to each graduate going to Sool and Sanag regions to help carry out their duties in an efficient way"

Lastly, Mr. Abdi Yassin, Togdher Regional Medical Officer Spoke on behalf of Somaliland Ministry of health. He passed an apology from the health minister who travelled that day to Dubai for an important meeting. "Ministry of health is receiving these students from the school and confirms to put them in the health system." said by Abdi said.  Mr. Abdi informed the graduates that they will soon return to their original locations of selection.

The regional governor concludes the event, and honored each graduate to receive their certificate.